Mike Congrove
Undertaking the job of running a hatchery is not for the faint of heart. Lucky for us (and our farmers), Mike isn’t one to back down from a challenge. After finishing graduate school, Mike was hired as hatchery manager of OSH in 2009 and later became sole owner of the company in 2014. A man of many talents, his specialty lies in designing, engineering and implementing systems that maximize the performance of our larvae and seed. Mike is constantly striving to find ways to improve hatchery production through developing innovative technology, collaborating on R&D projects and always preparing to be one step ahead of potential environmental issues. Aside from running a business, one of Mike’s greater accomplishments is his role as husband and father to his four daughters. His spare time is spent taking his family on any sort of outdoor adventure whether it’s camping, sailing, kayaking or taking a picnic out on the beach. Originally from Hampton, VA, Mike and his family now live in Mathews.
Fun Facts about Mike:
His middle name is spawn! Almost... its Spohn. Named after his great grandparents who owned a commercial plumbing business, which turns out isn't all that far from owning a hatchery... The un-sung hero of OSH is his wife Heather, who for more than a decade has allowed Mike to bury way too much time into this place!!