RAS Larvae Culture
This project is currently supported by two grants. For the Fisheries Resource Grant, the overall goal was to develop a commercial scale RAS for larval culture as a template for further testing. In 2021, the design was implemented and tested throughout the season. The 2021 FRGP grant was a follow up a preliminary FRGP project funded in 2012 and some small scale, unfunded testing in 2020. For the SK project that starts in 2022, the system design will be further evaluated, with the overall goal of obtaining commercial production from the system.

Funding Support
Virginia Fisheries Resource Grant Program (FRGP) (PI – Michael Congrove, OSH)
NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy (SK) (PI – Dr. Reza Ovissipour, Seafood AREC/Dept. Food Science, Virginia Tech)
Project Team
Michael Congrove, OSH
Christopher Bentley, formerly VIMS
Dr. Reza Ovissipour, Seafood AREC/Dept. Food Science, Virginia Tech
Dr. Michael Shwarz, Seafood AREC, Virginia Tech
Dr. Richard Snyder, VIMS
Dr. Jonatan van Senten, Seafood AREC, Virginia Tech
Collaborating commercial hatchery: Susan Miller, Bagwell Enterprises

Build as designed, a RAS larval culture system capable of producing 10M eyed larvae/week
Establish prokaryotic and eukaryotic bioreactor populations for biological filtration
Compare RAS production with cohort spawns in the OSH production system
Using above design, make modifications based on 2021 season
Further investigate water quality parameters through lab analysis
Perform an economic analysis on RAS vs standard production
Follow performance of seed from the two systems
Microbiome analysis
Biofilm analysis through respirometry
Monitoring of bacterial cultures
Standard water quality analysis: total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH

Virginia Aquaculture Conference Talk Heterotrophic bio-reactor startup protocol:
In the News
In the weeds
Garcia, A., Kamermans, P. 2015. Optimization of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) seed culture using recirculating aquaculture systems. Aquaculture Research 46, 977-986.
Kamermans, P., Blanco, A., Joaquim, S., Matias, D., Magnesen, T., Nicolas, J., Petton, B., Robert, R. 2016. Recirculation nursery systems for bivalves. Aquaculture International 24, 827-842.
Kuhn, D., Angier, M., Barbour, S., Smith, S., Flick, G. 2013. Culture feasibility of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in zero-water exchange recirculating systems using synthetically derived seawater and live feeds. Aquacultural Engineering 54, 45-48.
Magnesen, T., Jacobsen, A. 2012. Effect of water recirculation on seawater quality and production (Pecten maximus) larvae. Aquacultural Engineering 47, 1-6.
Merino, G., Uribe, E., Soria, G., von Brand, E. 2009. A comparison of larval production of the northern scallop, Argopecten purpuratus, in closed and recirculating culture systems. Aquacultural Engineering 40, 95-103.